How It Works

You want to be more conscious about your shopping, but that takes time you don't have. That's where we come in, and it's as simple as
1, 2, 3..... 4
1) Fill out your style quiz!
2) At the end of the quiz, you'll be directed to "The Better Box" product page, where you'll sign up for your subscription. After we've received your order (aka - your first Styling Fee), we'll start putting a box of cute, ethically made clothes together just for you.
3) Once you receive your box, you have 5 days to try everything on and decide what you want to keep.
4) Send back your box with anything you're not keeping -- it's totally cool if you keep everything; we don't mind at all! Your card is set to be charged for your "Keeps" 14 days after you receive your box (or when we receive your returns, whichever comes first), and we'll remove anything you're not keeping from that total, so make sure to send back your box on time! -- if you ever need more time, just send us a message. We know things come up.
Pssst! We're crediting your $25 styling fee toward the things you're keeping.
P.p.s. your subscription is quarterly, so three months after you signed up, your Styling Fee will process again, and we'll begin to style you for the new season! Rinse and repeat.